Unico Mando 500ml
Unico Mando 500ml
This magnificent beverage is just like Limoncello, only with Mandarine from the Riverland in SA. They produce it by soaking fruit in extremely high alcohol base spirit, produced in-house at Applewood Distillery, then use sugar syrup to cut it down from rocket fuel strength. This liqueur is incredibly aromatic, quite viscous and has a bright and expressive burst of sweet ripe mandarin flavour, kept in check with a little acidity that prevents the drink from being too sticky or cloying. This stuff is phenomenal.
Our delivery policy
We deliver locally (within 5km) between 5pm & 8pm every day we are open. Delivery is free and there are no minimums. Non local delivery is by Australia Post and costs $15 for all orders under $250. For more info, hit the button below.
Hours, Location, Contact
Thursday 9th January: 2-7pm
Friday 10th January: 2pm - 7pm
Saturday 11th January: 12pm - 7pm
Sunday 12th, Monday 13th, Tuesday 14th January: CLOSED
Wednesday 15th, Thursday 16th, Friday 17th January: 2pm - 7pm
Saturday 18th January: 12pm - 7pm
Sunday 19th, Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st January: CLOSED
Check Instagram or Facebook for daily updates.
It can be tricky, we know... sorry. Main street is your best bet, we can bring goods to your car click and collect style, or if you're brave, you can legally park out the front of the shop on Saturday, believe it or not.
152 Bell St Coburg 3058
+613 7020 0278