Trapeze Gamay 2022 750ml
Trapeze Gamay 2022 750ml
Gamay grapes from the Yarra Valley, made by Coburg local Brian Conway. A lovely wine to look at in the glass and sniff; deep purple colour, bright at the edge with incredible red and black fruit aromas above an earthy layer, a little smokiness, grilled meat, and spicy chutney. I could sniff this for ages. Very light palate weight crunchy, and taut in its texture with intense berry flavours framed by the gentle smokiness and spices, finishes long, dry, spicy and interesting. Pretty special wine. I would have loved to have tasted the cheaper 'Early' version too. Next year!
Tasting notes by: Ryan
Region: Yarra Valley, Victoria.
Alc/Vol: 13%
Viticulture: Organic practices, not certified.
Sulphur: Low.
Vegan: Yes.
1 units in stock.