Olivers Taranga Shiraz 2021 750ml
Olivers Taranga Shiraz 2021 750ml
Great winemaker, great site, great vintage, pretty promising even before it gets in the glass, once poured it is inky and broody lookin' and delicious smelling, lifted notes of blackberry, blueberry, red liquorice, hint of dark chocolate all partied in my nostrils, then got themselves organised into a noisy yet silky palate kick on session, in spite of the intensity of the party, and the extreme length of the party, all attendees were in immaculate balance and accord, and they served as a great reminder of how darn delicious Australian Shiraz can be. I've kinda forgotten a little, chasing all these peculiar niche things.
Tasting notes by: Ryan
Region: McLaren Vale, SA
Alc/Vol: 14.5%
Viticulture: Organic
Sulphur: Conventional
Vegan: Yes
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Friday 10th January: 2pm - 7pm
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It can be tricky, we know... sorry. Main street is your best bet, we can bring goods to your car click and collect style, or if you're brave, you can legally park out the front of the shop on Saturday, believe it or not.
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+613 7020 0278