The Gospel Straight Rye 700ml
The Gospel Straight Rye 700ml
The Gospel Distillery in Albert Street, Brunswick was founded in 2019 by Ben Bowles & Andrew Fitzgerald. Since then they have been producing spirit for a series of Rye whiskies inspired by America's best examples. They designed all of the distillery mashing, brewing and distilling equipment and had it built to their specs. Gospel's stocks have steadily risen in the eyes of Australian bartenders and whisk(e)y drinkers alike since their first release in 2019.
This Straight Rye release is made from unmalted Rye sourced from a single farm near Pinnaroo, South Australia. It's been aged in new ex-Bourbon American oak barrels. Pumpernickel, polished boards, coconut & vanilla on the nose. The palate is luscious, initially sweet and creamy before turning dark and spicy on the exhale.
3 units in stock.