Bowen Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2022 750ml
Bowen Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2022 750ml
The year's favourable vintage conditions produced a dark and luscious fruit flavoured wine. Dense dark olive aromas guide the taster through a layered textured wine. Ripe rich plum characters are mouth filling supported by ample dark fruit characters. Layered tannin structures enhance the palate, a true classic coonawarra expression. This is a wine which will mellow wonderfully with age, for anyone who can possibly resist the temptation of drinking it now.
Pair with red meat, pasta dishes, blue and vintage cheeses.
Tasting notes by: Bowen Estate
Region: Coonawarra
Alc/Vol: 15%
Viticulture: Conventional
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It can be tricky, we know... sorry. Main street is your best bet, we can bring goods to your car click and collect style, or if you're brave, you can legally park out the front of the shop on Saturday, believe it or not.
152 Bell St Coburg 3058
+613 7020 0278