Valdespino Yellow Label Pedro Ximinez 750ml
Valdespino Yellow Label Pedro Ximinez 750ml
Pedro Ximinez grapes picked super ripe, before being sun dried to concentrate the flavours and sugars, before being smooshed and fermented. The yeast can't handle all that sugar, so it dies off and leaves a bit behind. The wine is fortified with grape spirit and rested in barrels in a solera, a vertical stack of barrels where wine for packaging is bottled from the bottom, and fresh wine goes in the top - with the wines from the rack above filling the void at bottling time. It makes for incredibly complex and interesting drinks; like this one, syrupy, thick, boozy raisin juice that is a lovely warming hedonistic treat. Once the bottle is open it'll drink well for months.
Our delivery policy
We deliver locally (within 5km) between 5pm & 8pm every day we are open. Delivery is free and there are no minimums. Non local delivery is by Australia Post and costs $15 for all orders under $250. For more info, hit the button below.
Hours, Location, Contact
Tuesday 2-7
Wednesday 2-7
Thursday 2-7
Friday 2-7
Saturday 1-7
Sunday & Monday CLOSED
Check Instagram or Facebook for daily updates.
It can be tricky, we know... sorry. Main street is your best bet, we can bring goods to your car click and collect style, or if you're brave, you can legally park out the front of the shop on Saturday, believe it or not.
152 Bell St Coburg 3058
+613 7020 0278