MDI Wines Refosco 2021 750ml
MDI Wines Refosco 2021 750ml
Refosco Grapes from the Pesut vineyard near Mildura, Victoria. It pours a deep inky purple with a bright lively rim. It's big and exuberant to sniff; cherries, berries, lavendar, green herbs and a little chocolate. The palate is rich, plush and slurpable; full of cherries and berries - with a little tartness, chocolate, then a peppery, herby, powdery fine tannin driven finish. It's a ripper of a drink, it's a bit like a band you are really familiar with - let's call them the "Modern Australian Dry Reds" playing a cover of someone else's song during a live set. Gee that was wordy. Familiar, but a little different.
$29.00 each, or $26.85 in any wine dozen buy.
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